Student paper competition
SPC Winners
1° Prize
(sponsored by Elsevier)
Romain Fluery, "Parity-time acoustic metamaterials and unidirectional invisible sensors"
2° Prize
(sponsored by DOPS)
Yoshiro Urade, "Experimental study on frequency-independent response of self -complementary metasurfaces in terahertz regime"
3° Prize
(sponsored by CRC Press)
Korbinian J. Kaltenecker, "Optimal plasmonic focusing on semiconductor disks under radially polarized terahertz illumination"
All student participants are invited to enter the STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION. The paper, an application form and all the supporting documentation for the student contest must be submitted through the Congress website before the paper submission deadline.
Submission and Evaluation Procedure
You have to be registered at this website to submit your paper and fill in the form for entering the student competition. This form is accessible via "Student paper competition" item in the "Participant profile" in the right column of the webpage after log-in at the website.
During the submission procedure, the students will be asked to upload:
- CV of personal scientific activity
- An exact title of the paper submitted for review
- An endorsement letter signed by the student's supervisor/advisor stating that the paper is the result of student's work
The student must be the first author, and the co-authors may be the student’s supervisors/advisors. No more than two authors are allowed, unless the student has additional advisors from different institutions or departments, and this fact must be explicitly stated in the endorsement letter. The student competition papers will undergo a regular review process and the shortlisted finalists will be requested to present their papers at a special interactive poster session during the Congress. All the finalists will have the registration fee waived. Only one paper per student will be considered. In case of multiple entries with different papers, the student will be excluded from the competition.
The finalists of the student paper competition will present their papers at the regular technical sessions in accordance with the conference program. In addition, they will be required to present their papers again at a dedicated poster session. The members of the Award Committee will interact with the students during the poster presentation and will elect the winner.
Awarding Ceremony
The winner of the best student paper will be announced at the Congress closing ceremony. The award is being sponsored with 350 euro by Elsevier’ s journal "Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications" (PNFA), which has a dedicated new section on metamaterials.